37 Ways to Lower Stress and Make Work More Meaningful

Thirty-seven easy and effective ways to reduce daily stress, make work meaningful and interesting, shift the balance of power in your career, get ahead in the workplace, and improve your overall well-being.

The work environment has changed rapidly over the past few decades. New technologies and social media have made it possible for us to work from anywhere, anytime. This has brought about a shift in power dynamics among companies and employees, and companies and customers that can be difficult to navigate. There’s always an expectation of being connected to the outside world. So, to navigate this change, you need to take steps towards reducing stress and making meaningful work.

But first, it’s important to define the meaning of stress?

Stress is a term that has been around for thousands of years and has been described in various ways. Many believe that stress is the result of many external factors such as time management, job satisfaction, social support, or environmental factors. Stress is also seen as a reflection of one's self-esteem and mental health. If you have a lot of stress in your daily life, then learning how to manage it is the key to functioning well.

Here are thirty-seven simple ways you can reduce your stress levels and make meaningful work every day.

1) Make it a point to make time for yourself regardless of how busy you are. It is important that you make time for yourself or else it will be difficult to focus on your work properly. If you don't make time for yourself every day, it will be harder to disconnect from the outside world when you're working, and this will lead to an increase in stress overall. If you have trouble scheduling in time for yourself every day, here are some tips you can follow:

·       Set a timer on your phone to remind you of your break.

·       Take a break from work and go outside to get a change of scenery.

·       Take an hour-long lunch break to give yourself a break from work.

2) This leads to the second point. Take breaks as often as you can. Taking breaks is crucial so that your brain doesn't get tired.

The brain is a complicated thing. It needs to be stimulated on a regular basis in order for it to function properly. Sometimes, however, the brain can get tired of the same old routine and needs a break.

3) Stress can be overwhelming and a productivity killer. So, the key is to take a mental health day when needed.

Mental health is an important issue that every individual should care about. People often get overwhelmed by the pressure of work. It's important to take a mental health day when needed to recharge and return with more energy for the next day of work.

4) Identify what makes you feel most fulfilled at work. This will help keep you engaged throughout the day.

How can work be fulfilling for anyone? Some people like to reflect on their life's purpose while others like to explore and create. Finding a way to balance your time between these two focuses is what makes you feel most fulfilled at work. If you struggle trying to figure out what makes you feel fulfilled at work, then try following these steps.

·       By creating a personal mission statement and living by it, you will be able to stay focused on your goals. You'll also have the support of knowing what's important to you, which will help keep you motivated and working hard towards them.

·       Be thankful on good days and bad. No matter what happens, you must find the strengths within yourself.

·       Always stay on track and be proactive at your job—this will not only help you avoid falling behind schedule but also allow you to be more productive!

5) Set SMART goals and realistic deadlines.

Setting SMART goals and realistic deadlines are two things that are very important in order to achieve success. Take into account other factors such as your age, experience, and businesses goals. Here are some other goal-setting tips:

·       Challenge yourself with goals that are challenging and compatible with your skillset. They will keep you engaged, which is important to stay healthy and happy at work.

·       Use milestones as measures of progress to help you reach your goal.

·       Establish clear, set timeframes for reaching your goal to help you stay on track.

6) Take care of your physical health first and foremost to protect your wellbeing and manage stress levels—sleeping, eating well, and exercising regularly are all important.

The body is often referred to as the temple of the soul. It is your very own personal physical representation and can be a source of great pride. When you neglect your physical health, it can lead to many health problems.

Sometimes this can be a result of being overworked and stressed, but sometimes it is because you are simply not making time for yourself. Getting to the nits of your health and happiness is the first step. Managing your time for sleep, eating a good diet, and engaging in exercise as often as you can make all the difference.

7) Focus on other people and value the contributions and support of others in your life (including your boss, clients, and/or colleagues).

It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget about the people who have helped and supported you along the way. But it's important to acknowledge the contributions of others in your life. It will help you stay motivated and focused on what's most important. The best way to show your appreciation for others is by always following through on your promise.

8) Create a healthy balance between home and office life by ensuring you separate the two.

Long days of sitting at the desk can take a toll on your body, mind, and emotions. It's important to have a healthy balance between work and home life. The best way to do this is by creating a separate working space if you work from home. Ensure you can close the door to eliminate distractions throughout the workday. And then after the workday, shut off your phone or leave it in another room so you’re not distracted by work emails and calls. You need to make time to decompress after work.

9) Get outside in nature to improve your mood and feel better.

Today's smartphones and social media have made us less likely to go outside and spend time in nature. However, studies show that spending time outside in natural environments can help promote a healthy mental state. It provides a break from the typically high stimulation of our daily lives and helps provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and oxygen.

10) Spend time with family and friends to decompress and destress.

Time spent with family and friends is important for everyone's well-being. Spending time with these people can help you decompress, destress, and make memories that last a lifetime.

11) Set boundaries for what is "too much" work and find happiness in that too little time for self-care.

Too much of a good thing is not always a good thing. Believe it or not, there are some things that are better to limit yourself to and stick to. Sometimes you need to take breaks from your busy schedule and realize just how much you can actually do in such a small amount of time.

12) Take a break from your phone! It's so tempting to be constantly connected but it can be detrimental to productivity.

The constant need of being plugged into email can be draining. You are constantly bombarded with notifications, alerts, and apps that promise that we will be more productive if we use them. The truth is, you are more likely to achieve your productivity goals by taking a break from your phone.

13) Reduce your computer screen time.

Technology has made life more convenient and easier. But yet, it's also a distraction. With your computer screen time at an all-time high, it can be hard to stay on course when there are so many options available. But make it a point to put your limit on your screen time every day. Your eyes will thank you, too.

14) Say “no” to extra responsibilities if your schedule is already packed.

It is important to know your limits and prioritize the things that are most important in your life. If you have a lot going on already, it can be tempting to accept more work or volunteer opportunities. However, it is better for your mental health to say “no” when you are already overwhelmed or stressed out. Saying “no” will also help keep you sane.

15) Set important deadlines to ensure you stay on track with work projects and responsibilities.

Deadlines can be difficult to meet. You may constantly feel the pressure to meet everyone, but sometimes it's more important to prioritize. Sometimes, it's better to take a step back and relax so you can get your work done on time without worrying about anything else.

16) Try to eliminate distractions at work as much as possible.

Success in any profession comes from a combination of hard work, perseverance, and self-discipline. The last thing you want to do is be distracted from your goal by something as trivial as your phone or social media. In order to avoid distractions throughout the day, focus on what you're doing when you're doing it at the moment. For example, if you're working on a project in a Digital collaborative workspace, turn off social media notifications so you’re not tempted to look at your phone or your screen every time you get a notification.

17) Try to avoid conflicts with others while you’re at work.

Whether you’re in an office environment or working from a home office, it is easy to get caught up in the office drama or politics. In order to avoid conflicts with your coworkers, try to make a point to be concise but informative. Make sure you’re communicating more effectively with your colleagues than those who are busy being loud and seemingly oblivious. Having good relationships with your coworkers will help to eliminate stress. Plus, it will make work more pleasurable overall.

18) Be clear about expectations with your coworkers and clients to prevent misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings happen all the time, but by being clear about expectations, you can prevent them from happening in the first place. Being clear about expectations is also a good way to prevent unnecessary conflicts from arising in the office.

19) Forget about multitasking and focus on one thing at a time to get more done.

Many people believe that multitasking is the key to efficiency. However, this is simply not true. In fact, research has found that multitasking actually makes you less efficient in your work and increases the risk of making costly mistakes that could affect your career. When you focus on one task at a time, you give it your full attention ensuring the task is done correctly.

20) Have open communication with your team members to build trust and make them feel welcome and valued.

Your work environment is more than just a place to spend your days. It's a way of life. Communication is key to any work environment, and it can be done with the right approach. There are five steps to ensure successful communication in your office:

·       Be aware of your body language. Your body language speaks volumes about who you are and what you're feeling. The way we gesture, the way we sit, even the way we eat has a different meaning.

·       Be aware of your voice tone. It is important to be aware of your voice tone at work. This is because it can have a significant impact on your productivity and the way you are perceived.

·       Be mindful of what you say and how you say it. We all have moments when we may want to say something, but our words may not be received in the best way. That's why it's important to think about how you say things and make an effort to be mindful of what you say.

·       Know when to be quiet and listen. Sometimes being quiet and listening is the best way to connect with others. Listening is one of the most important things we can do for our own growth. It teaches us how to let go and accept others as they are. It allows us to learn what makes others feel comfortable or uncomfortable, and it helps us understand their needs.

·       Keep the lines of communication open. Managers should keep the lines of communication open with their employees. In order to make this easier, many managers have started using social media as a way to talk directly to their staff members. Social media is a great way for employers and employees to communicate with each other in informal settings such as these.

21) Leave flex time in your schedule if you can.

The concept of flex time has been around for decades. It is a way to manage one's work schedule and make it more manageable, allowing employees to select how they want to divide their time between the office and home. Flextime can be a convenient way to adjust your routine in order to spend more quality time with your family while still maintaining a professional work ethic.

22) Determine your stress triggers at work.

Nowadays, people are more stressed than ever. Your job may be more demanding than ever before, and you have less time for yourself. In order to take a break and relieve some stress, understanding your own stress and anxiety triggers is important. Knowing what makes you anxious or brings you down can help you to find a way to manage the stress in your life.

23) Learn how to relax. Try meditation as a form of relaxation.

There are many ways to relax—such as taking a nap, taking up a hobby, or going for a walk. However, there are also other forms of relaxation that you may not be aware of like meditation. Meditation is the practice of calming your mind and body by focusing on your breathing. It can help you release stress and improve your overall mental health.

If you don’t know how to get started, here are some meditation tips:

·       Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

·       Try to clear all thoughts from your mind while focusing on the breath.

·       Remain calm and keep your mind focused.

·       Allow yourself to feel any emotions that come up while meditating.

·       Don't force anything.

·       You don't have to sit in one place for a long time—try different positions every day or every week and see what works for you.

·       Don't worry about how long you've been meditating. Just try to get the hang of it. The process will come naturally as you become more comfortable.

24) Practice deep breathing exercises.

A deep breathing exercise is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. It can also be helpful for many other conditions such as insomnia, chronic pain, and more.

Breathing is also a very important part of everyday living. It helps you to maintain a balanced body, calm your mind, and relieve stress. Deep breathing can be done in many different ways and can have many different benefits. There are several simple steps to this exercise that anyone can follow.

Some deep breathing techniques are:

·       Inhale deeply through your nose for five seconds.

·       Hold your breath for 10 seconds.

·       Exhale slowly through your mouth for five seconds.

25) Strive to maintain a positive attitude and mindset.

Positive thinking is an important aspect of success, and it affects your work in many different ways. Positive thinking can increase your productivity, improve your performance, improve social interactions, and even enhance relationships. A positive attitude and mindset also improve the quality of life you experience through increased happiness and happiness that comes from being more productive. Therefore, maintaining a positive attitude as much as possible will help improve your mood.

26) Have enough self-discipline to get all of your work done.

Manage your workload with self-discipline. It can be frustrating when you put in the time and don’t see the results you want. If this sounds familiar, then it might be a good idea to adjust your strategy to help ensure your future success.

27) Have clear roles for every team member.

Every team member has a role to play in making the company successful. It's crucial for every person involved to understand how to work with others and what each of their responsibilities are so that they can work together towards achieving the company goals.

28) Delegate tasks you don’t enjoy to other people.

Most people don't enjoy doing menial tasks that they have to do. It's a big drain on their time and energy. This is where delegation comes in.

Delegation doesn't mean that you just dump your task on someone else, it means you train them in the skills and knowledge so they can tackle your responsibilities for you. As a result, you have more time to focus on what you enjoy.

29) Leave perfectionism at the door.

Perfectionism is a term that is thrown around a lot in our culture. But what does it actually mean? It means that you don't feel good enough and never will and that in order to be perfect, you're going to put in many hours of work and not enjoy life. While this idea may be appealing, it doesn't guarantee happiness at the end of the day because it's not healthy.

30) Get off on the right foot every morning.

It's a new day, and you've got a new beginning. That's why it's so important to start the day off right. It sets the tone for how your entire day will go. If your morning is hit with mistakes, setbacks, and defeats, then you'll find yourself in a downward spiral that can last months.

Follow these tips to get off on the right foot every morning:

·       A person's first step into the day needs to be intentional. Each day is a new opportunity to start anew.

·       There is no better way to start your day than with a great breakfast. You can avoid the rush and stress of waiting in line, and you'll have plenty of time to eat and prepare for the day ahead. Start off with a glass of water or juice, then get your fruit bowl out, followed by some veggies and eggs or oatmeal.

·       Start your day by writing down the three things you're grateful for.

·       Write down three goals for your upcoming day.

·       Write out a list of three things that make you feel happy and excited about life.

31) Ensure you have the right chair and desk to be comfortable whether you’re working from home or in an office.

The right chair can make the difference between a productive day and an unproductive one. A comfortable office chair helps reduce back pain, promotes better posture, and gives you more energy to work. It’s important to invest in a good chair so you can enjoy your work without being distracted by pain.

32) Stay organized to prevent unnecessary stress.

Stress-free living is not difficult for the person who keeps a tidy desk lives in a clean home and has their priorities in order. First, write down all of your deadlines, schedules, and responsibilities. Next, use a calendar or planner to schedule your day. Being organized is important for keeping any life stress-free.

33) Strive to find opportunities for growth at work.

Making a career change can be difficult for many people, especially when you're stuck in a position that isn't challenging or stimulating. It can feel like you're treading water with no clear direction for your future. One way to change this is to find opportunities for growth at work. By identifying your current strengths, weaknesses, and skills, you can better understand what's next for you.

34) Make work/life balance a priority to relieve stress.

It can be tough to make work and life balance a priority, especially in today's competitive job market. But it can also be difficult to find a job that fits your life. In order to find the best fit, you first need to make sure you're not sacrificing your happiness for the sake of a paycheck. That doesn't mean compromising on what matters most but rather making time for yourself and setting boundaries. If you’re an entrepreneur, you can make work-life balance a priority by shutting off your phone in the evening.

If you feel like your work-life balance is not ideal, there are things you can do.

·       Work from home as often as you can. If you are not too busy, try working from home. It will be easier for you to take care of your family and personal needs when you're at home instead of being at the office all day. It also gives more time for yourself and your hobbies which is great for work-life balance.

·       Make sure you have a life outside of work. When working in a busy and fast-paced industry, it's easy to sacrifice your personal life. In order to maintain a healthy work-life balance, it's important to make sure you're not spending all of your time at the office. Take time out of the day for hobbies, family, and friends.

·       Keep your work and personal life separate. Although you might want to keep your work and personal life separate, it is important to find a balance between them. If they are not in sync, you are likely to burn out on both fronts.

·       Prioritize your time and be efficient with it. The world has changed a lot over the years. Today there are many technologies that can help you be more efficient and meet your goals. It is important to prioritize your time in order to make the best use of it. To be productive, try setting clear daily and weekly goals for yourself.

35) Practice mindfulness and gratitude every day to prevent stress.

Mindfulness is a practice that can help prevent stress and lead to a greater sense of well-being. Cultivating mindfulness in your day-to-day activities can increase productivity, focus, and resilience, while also improving overall health. Mindful people are also more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and body sensations, which can facilitate better decision-making.

36) Become a problem-solver and critical thinker.

A problem-solver is a person who strives to find solutions in complex situations while maintaining a critical perspective. Problem-solvers are able to comprehend and work through the details of a problem or situation in order to arrive at an answer. They are constantly thinking critically and can question their assumptions, thoughts, and opinions as well as identify blind spots.

A critical thinker is a person who better understands the world by making sense of it in a rational manner. Critical thinking helps people make decisions that are not biased towards any point of view as well as help them find creative solutions for tough problems in the workplace.

37) Finally, reframe negative thoughts at work.

Often, when you are stressed, you tend to think negative thoughts and talk about your worries with others. This is not only unhealthy but can be counterproductive too as it leads to a downward spiral. It is important to reframe negative thoughts to see them in a more positive light. Here are some ways you can reframe negative thoughts and maintain your optimism at work.

·      Recognize that negative thoughts are temporary and not permanent. They come from a place of fear, which is just an emotion. It's never too late to change this thought pattern for the better.

·      Take time for yourself and practice gratitude daily. This will help you see the good in everything around you, including your job!

·      Get support from friends or family who know how to help you with positive thinking techniques.