How to Get Back to Work After the Holidays

The workplace can be stressful and even more stressful after a break, but it doesn't have to be. There are several ways that you can maintain your mental wellness when returning to work after a long break.

Getting back to work after a break—whether after the end of the year or a family vacation—can be difficult for anyone, even the most seasoned executive. And with the continued demands of your jobs, it is inevitable to have some sort of stress. But with a compilation of techniques, you can make your time easing back into your routine at work more enjoyable and less taxing on your mental health.

Here are some of my best tips to help you get back into a routine after a holiday break or end-of-year vacation. But first, let's examine how stress and anxiety can impact us.

Anxiety and stress can significantly impact our lives. These two parts of life can cause physical symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, headaches, and stomach upset. It can also lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, which can make it difficult to manage everyday tasks. Fortunately, there are many ways to manage anxiety and reduce its effects on our lives. 

  • Strive to identify and reduce stress and anxiety triggers.
    Stress and anxiety can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. It is important to be aware of the triggers that can lead to heightened levels of stress and anxiety so that we can work towards reducing them. By recognizing these triggers, we can create strategies to manage our stress and anxiety levels more healthily, leading to improved mental health.

  • Learn how to breathe the right way to manage stress.
    Learning how to breathe correctly is a powerful way to reduce stress. With the right technique, we can learn to control our breath and relax our bodies and minds. This can help alleviate tension, improve focus and clarity, and restore balance in our life. Understanding the correct breathing techniques allows us to take charge of our well-being and manage stress more effectively.

  • Say ‘no’ if we are too busy or experiencing stress at home or work.
    It is important to take time to care for ourselves and recognize when we are too busy or overwhelmed. Doing so can help us avoid feeling overextended and overworked, allowing us to focus on the things that matter most. By taking the time to say ‘no’ when needed, we can create more balance in our lives and manage stress more effectively.

  • We may need to tell ourselves it’s okay not to be perfect.
    We often strive for perfection in our lives, which can lead to high stress and anxiety levels. It is important to remember that it is acceptable not to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, which are often a part of the learning process. Embracing imperfection can help us to be more creative, resilient, and accepting of ourselves and others.

  • Create a list of values important to us and strive to live by them.
    Values are the cornerstone of a meaningful life. They define who we are and how we interact with others. By creating and living by a personal list of values, we can become better versions of ourselves and more effective in our pursuits. Through this process, we can strive to make meaningful contributions to the world around us.

  • Ensure we have a quiet workspace so we can focus without distractions.
    Working in a noisy and distracting environment can be detrimental to productivity. Creating a quiet workspace can help us stay focused and work more efficiently. It is essential to ensure that our workspace is free from any kind of distractions, be they physical or digital so that we can concentrate on the task at hand without any interruptions. A tranquil workspace will enable us to remain productive and achieve better results.

  • Develop a support networking with others who understand us.
    Creating a support network of people who understand and relate to us can be a powerful tool for personal growth. It is important to build relationships with individuals who can provide honest and unbiased opinions, inspire us, and motivate us when times get tough. With the help of such a network, we can learn from each other's experiences, share our struggles and successes, and gain strength from one another.

  • Spend time with like-minded people inside and outside of work.
    Spending time with people who share similar values, interests, and goals can be a great way to boost productivity and foster personal growth. Whether in a formal setting such as a club or an informal gathering of friends, interacting with like-minded individuals can help build meaningful relationships and provide fresh perspectives on life.

  • Take on some outside projects that are both challenging and interesting to build our self-confidence.
    Taking on challenging and interesting projects outside our usual scope can be an excellent way to build self-confidence and experience. By stepping outside our comfort zones, we can gain insights into new industries and develop new skills that can help us in the short and long term. Investing time into these projects is a great way to expand our knowledge base and open new doors for future opportunities.

  • Understand the importance of mindfulness and meditation.
    Mindfulness and meditation have become increasingly popular over the past few years as tools to reduce stress, improve focus, and increase well-being. With the help of mindfulness and meditation, we can gain insight into our thoughts and feelings, enabling us better understand ourselves and our reactions to life’s events. Practicing mindfulness can help us cultivate more joy in life by increasing our awareness of the present moment. At the same time, meditation can provide a sense of peace that is often difficult to find in today’s fast-paced world. Ultimately, both practices can help us lead more fulfilling lives.

  • Learn to accept who we are and embrace it.
    Accepting who we are is one of the most important life lessons. Self-acceptance is a journey that requires us to be honest with ourselves, recognize our flaws and strengths, and learn to embrace them. It can be difficult, but it’s essential to gaining confidence and feeling comfortable in our skin. With the right attitude, we can learn to accept who we are and move forward with a healthier outlook on life.

With the right support and resources, it is possible to gain control over our feelings of worry and lead a life free of fear.

- Before we go on vacation, it is critical that we plan out our time. It's important to decide how much time we will spend on work during our vacation so that we can continue working at the same pace when we come back. If our work requires a lot of scope and creativity, having the right environment to think creatively is important.

- Set realistic goals so we don’t get overwhelmed.

Setting realistic goals is an essential part of achieving success. By setting achievable goals, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed and focus on the steps to help us reach our desired outcome. Setting achievable goals allows us to track our progress and adjust our strategy as needed. By setting realistic goals, we can create an action plan that will help us reach our goal in a manageable and efficient way.

- Sometimes, during our break, it's hard to find the energy to return to work.

The common phrase "work is too much like work" is no joke. It can be difficult to return after a long vacation and get back into the routine. Bringing a photo or souvenir from our time away can help us remember why we enjoy going on vacation and make coming back easier.

- Stay connected with coworkers while on vacation by checking in with them via email or instant message now and then or sending pictures of what's happening at home, so they don't feel left out of what's happening during the break.

- Even though we may have a million things to do when we come back from a long vacation, it's advisable to take care of the most urgent duties first. Once these are taken care of, the less-important tasks will seem less intimidating. This way, our return is as pleasant as possible.

- Don’t bury ourselves in unnecessary work the first day back to work after the holidays or a vacation. The first day of a vacation can be one of the most difficult days to get back to work. It is natural for an individual to have mixed feelings about going back to work after a vacation. Some people find it tough to adapt to their routines and have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. Others might feel guilty for taking time off and feel they should be working overtime to compensate for the time lost. We should just focus on what’s in front of us. 

- Plan our day before we head to work – this will help ensure we don't waste time deciding what to do next while at work. It'll also help us prioritize tasks so they can be done promptly.

  • Time management can be a tricky topic to tackle. There are many different systems and techniques which can help us manage our time more efficiently. For example, the Pomodoro technique helps organize time by implementing short periods of focused work followed by a break. This is a great technique for those who want to maintain focus and avoid distractions.

  • The Eisenhower Matrix is a time management system created by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1951 as part of his presidency to help him decide what tasks were most important and should be given his attention during the day. The system consists of four quadrants of The Eisenhower Matrix:
    Urgent and Important,
    Not Urgent but Important,
    Urgent but not Important,
    Not Urgent, and not Important.

  • GTD (Getting Things Done) time management technique "Getting Things Done" is a time management technique that aims to free the mind of clutter by collecting all tasks into a master list for review, prioritizing them, and then breaking those tasks down into doable steps.

  • The Law of Diminishing Intent: This law states that the longer we wait to start something, the less likely we are to start it because our intent diminishes as time passes. This law is particularly applicable when procrastinating on a project because the longer we wait to begin, the less likely we will be to start.

  • Timeboxing: This is when we have a set amount of time to complete a task or project before moving on to something else or taking a break from it altogether. Timeboxing is a technique that can be applied to tasks, projects, or goals. The process involves setting a specific time to work on our given task or project before taking a break. It can be helpful for those who need the incentive to stay focused and give up distractions.

  • Another strategy for prioritizing email is called Inbox Zero. It entails sorting emails into folders, responding to them, and archiving them when they are dealt with. The idea behind Inbox Zero is to clear out our inboxes and allow us to focus on what emails require immediate attention.

  • Tony Robbins, the rapid planning method is a time management technique that can help people more efficiently plan their lives. It allows people to focus on the tasks they should be working on, and avoid wasting time and energy on other projects.

  • Kanban: With this method, tasks are prioritized into three columns: To Do, Doing, and Done. Kanban is a Japanese system for managing and prioritizing organizational tasks, traditionally used for manufacturing. The main principle of Kanban is that the most important tasks are moved to the Doing column (the next step) as quickly as possible; this creates a visible and simple plan for the whole team to follow.

  • Most Important Task (“MIT”) Planning System: One of the most important tasks of any project is task planning. This system helps us divide our tasks into manageable sections.

  • Time Batching: Time-batching is a more efficient way of managing our productivity as it helps us become more disciplined and focused on our work. It also helps manage workloads better as we can focus on one task at a time and then take a break before starting another.

  • 80-20 Rule: The 80-20 rule is a rule of thumb stating that roughly 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes. The 80-20 rule can be applied to any work or project. For instance, 20 percent of employees in a workplace may do 80 percent of the work. This can also be applied to other areas, such as marketing, where 20 percent of customers may account for 80 percent of sales.

- Try not to overexert ourselves in the first few days back to work. This might sound counterintuitive, but taking things slow and allowing our bodies and minds to adjust before jumping back into our schedules headfirst is important.

- Try to schedule some time for ourselves every day. Whether this is an hour or five minutes, ensure we're taking time out of each day to remain focused on our work and not get burnt out too quickly.

- Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins which help to improve mood and fight off depression. Physical activity releases endorphins which help to improve mood, regulate appetite, and fight off depression. The more active we are, the more endorphins are released. 

- Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep is linked with various mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Lack of sleep has been linked to many mental health issues. It causes people not to be able to think properly, causing them to have a lack of concentration and focus. Additionally, it can cause people to have mood swings, making them more likely to feel depressed or anxious.

- Be social: Socializing helps us feel connected with others, boosting our mental health and well-being. Humans are social creatures by nature. We need to feel connected with others, leading to a happier life. Studies have shown that socializing for just 15 minutes a day reduces stress and anxiety. This is because socializing allows people to break away from the daily grind and renew their energy. It also motivates them to continue with their essential tasks.

How to Get Back to Work After the Holidays

- Take time for ourselves. Sometimes it’s important to take time out for ourselves, even if it means just sitting in silence or walking outside. To be productive, we need to take time out for ourselves. We need a break from the day-to-day distractions that can often make us feel drained of energy and unable to focus on our work.

- Spend some quality time with friends and family. Spending time with friends and family is important for mental health. In today's society, people spend most of their time working or on the computer. Spending time with friends and family can be a healthy break from the routine.

- Do something for ourselves, like going out for dinner. One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to take time. Whether going to the movies, out for dinner or just sitting and reading a book, we take time for ourselves.

- Get organized: One way to keep ourselves sane is by getting organized with our work and personal life. This will help us feel less stressed, leading to better mental health. One of the most effective ways to get organized is with a to-do list. A list helps us stay focused and reach goals while leaving less room for procrastination.

- It might be helpful to set the alarm for every hour to stay focused on the task and avoid procrastination or distraction from social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.

Working on a project for hours without interruption can be exhausting. This can be especially true if we are trying to work on a project that requires deep thought and concentration. Setting the alarm can help break up the time and provide a welcome break from the task. It is also possible that setting the alarm could make us more productive because it removes distractions like social media sites which are often linked to procrastination.

- The most important thing is, to be honest with ourselves and not beat ourselves up if we fail at something. It is also important to take care of our mental well-being by taking time for ourselves, setting boundaries, and having a positive attitude.

- Start each day with a morning routine that includes exercise or meditation. A morning routine can make all the difference in how we feel about our day. A routine that starts with exercise can help us release pent-up energy, decrease stress and anxiety, and increase our endurance. Plus, it will make us feel more accomplished throughout the day and get us into a positive mindset for everything else that is to come.

- Use our lunch break as a way to clear our heads. Take a step outside to get lunch or coffee. Just make sure we take time away from our desks to give our minds a break.

We all know the feeling. You've been stuck on a project all day, and your brain is fried. You can't think of anything to do to get yourself out of this rut. Give your mind a break at lunch with just a short walk outside – even if it is just as far as the coffee stand in the lobby.

- Start our day with a positive mindset by telling ourselves that we will have a good day and accomplish everything we set out to do.

- Creating an environment where we can thrive is not always easy. However, there are many ways to work towards it. Create an environment where we can thrive by seeking support from friends and family members as often as possible and finding ways to recharge on our own.

- Take one day at a time, and don't rush into anything. There are many reasons to avoid rushing into work. One of the most common reasons is that when we rush, we make mistakes. When we rush and make a mistake, it can lead to more mistakes because of the time and energy it takes to fix them. The best thing to do is take one day at a time and don't rush into anything.

- When tasks seem too big, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and give up. One way to avoid this is by starting with small tasks so that we can gradually adjust to our workload. As we become more comfortable with a certain task, we can move on to bigger ones.

- Prepare our lunch before bed, so it's ready for waking up. Preparing our lunch before bed can help us save valuable time, money, and frustration in the morning. This saves us from packing our lunches before work or taking the time to grocery shop and cook.

- To be productive and have high levels of focus, we may want to create an environment that helps keep ourselves motivated. There are many ways to do this, such as listening to music, using a white noise machine, or having fresh flowers in our office. These things can help by giving off positive feelings and motivating us.

- Taking a deep breath can effectively reduce the stress and tension that is commonly present in our muscles. Breathing deeply fills the lungs with oxygen, which can then be used by the body to perform essential functions like digestion. This action also reduces blood pressure and releases endorphins into the brain, which have been known to reduce pain and promote a sense of well-being.

- Limit our work schedule to business hours the first week we return to work if we can.

When we return to work after a long absence, it can be hard to adjust back into the swing of things. This can make us feel rushed and frantic because we are trying to complete our workload in a much shorter time than before. So, if we are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be completed, we may want to consider limiting our work schedule to business hours the first week back so that we don’t get overwhelmed or burnt out.

- And finally, ensure that we balance work and personal time to maintain our sanity and well-being.

Maintaining a balance between work and personal time can be difficult. However, it is important to find this balance to maintain our sanity and well-being. One way to achieve this is by setting boundaries with our clients. Setting a specific time of the day when we will not take on any new projects or answer emails is one way that you can improve your fulfillment without sacrificing your professional relationships.

Final Thoughts:

Many people struggle with returning to work after a long vacation. They have trouble getting back into the rhythm of things and often feel overwhelmed. Try to take time for yourself before going back to work. You can do this by walking, meditating, or doing yoga. This will help you feel more energized and ready to face the day ahead.

If you are still feeling overwhelmed when returning to work, try to talk to your supervisor about what is going on and see if they can help make your day less stressful by giving you more time off from work or changing your schedule, so it is more manageable for you.