25 Simple Ways to Plan a Quick Family Vacation In August

How to take a family vacation this year

For many people, summer means spending time with family and friends, relaxing, and de-stressing, either at home or on vacation.

Whether you are taking a staycation, going on a short vacation, or going overseas for an extended period this summer, these steps will help make planning your family vacation as stress-free as possible.

Planning a family vacation in a short timeframe in the summer can be a daunting task. There are so many things to take into consideration -- where to go, what to do, what the budget is, and how much time to spend there. However, with these 25 simple ways, you can make your family vacation in August as stress-free as possible.

1. Start planning your summer vacation as early as you can. This will help you eliminate the last-minute stress of overspending on flights and hotels.  

The process of planning a vacation is often filled with stress, especially if you don’t have a lot of time, anticipate how much time you'll need to be on the road, and how much it will cost. 

2. Create a list of places that you want to visit and then narrow it down based on your family’s hobbies and budget.

There are also many vacation places that are within your reach without costing you a fortune such as taking a weekend vacation within driving distance or spending a day at your local library or museum. Not only will visiting these and other local attractions allow you to see new things and expand your knowledge, but they can also be cheaper than visiting expensive out-of-state or abroad destinations.

3. Keep your family's interests in mind when planning the vacation.

Having a well-planned vacation can save you time and money. Some of the things to think about when planning a family trip include what your family members like to do, whether you and/or they have any dietary restrictions, and if there are any other activities that you love.

4. Consider the cost of car rentals and staying at hotels and restaurants.

Car rental prices have skyrocketed in recent years, making it even more difficult for families who want to rent a car and travel during the summer. The rising costs make it nearly impossible for some customers to get away for a weekend or vacation. Use your own vehicle to travel this summer, if possible.

And as the cost of certain hotels and restaurants rise, so does the need for travelers to find cheaper options. The cheaper option for many is to stay at an Airbnb or VRBO instead.

5. Plan to do activities that your children enjoy when you’re on vacation if there’s bad weather for a day or two.

You might be afraid that your kids would get bored while you’re on vacation, but there are lots of fun and interesting things to do that you can easily introduce once you arrive if the weather is bad. Here's a list of ideas.

  • Play cards.

  • Watch a movie or go see a movie.

  • Go shopping.

  • Play a board game.

6. Pack light and bring only what is necessary.

Many people are tempted to pack too much when they go on a trip. However, if you bring a small bag like a carry-on, you will be able to pack quickly and get out of the door. When you pack lightly, you also avoid any unnecessary baggage fees that airlines might charge.

7. Pack a variety of activities into your vacation schedule so that everyone in the family can participate.

When you pack activities into your vacation schedule, everyone will find something they enjoy. This will ensure that you are able to see and do something new every day. Make sure to have plenty of time for exploring the area, doing activities, eating, and relaxing.

8. Bring along items to entertain yourself during downtime or waiting periods.

One of the best ways to entertain your kids is to bring along items that are fun, engaging, and interactive. Portable games, puzzles, and books can easily be brought along with you or bought on the way to keep your mind engaged.

9. Be careful with what you pack because there might not be an opportunity to buy them on the trip itself.

When packing for a trip, there are so many things to consider: how much weight will you carry, what will the weather be like, what toiletries to bring, and what activities should you do. 

It can be hard to decide what things you need and what things are just nice to have. Research what items are available wherever you’re going in case you forget to pack something.

10. Bring along items on your vacation that keep your kids busy and engaged.

Some parents are finding that their trips are too short and their children too bored. If you're vacationing with your children, why not buy them a toy or two to keep them entertained while they wait in line, at the airport, or on the plane?

11. Consider taking a staycation instead of going away.

A staycation is a vacation where you decide not to go anywhere and instead, do everything at home. It’s a cost-effective alternative to taking a vacation out of state or out of the country and it can be a good way to spend time with friends and family.

12. Don’t forget about relaxing in your backyard, at a local park, and at a nearby beach. These destinations can make a fun and relaxing day away from home.

A fun day doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Sometimes, you can spend time with family and friends in your backyard, in the park, or on the beach nearby.

13. Research the best time of year for each destination by checking how many tourists are in the area during peak season.

By checking their tourism statistics, compare the most popular destinations you would like to visit. Some destinations are more popular during certain times of the year, such as Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends.

14. Be sure to plan out what time of day you will be visiting each destination so that you can avoid peak hours at some locations (e.g., crowded beaches, busy tourist destinations, etc.).

It's important to be mindful of the time of day that you want to visit per destination when planning a vacation. A popular tourist destination or a crowded beach or a busy museum may draw more people during certain hours, so you'll want to avoid these areas. You can also try to visit during off-peak hours.

15. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and paperwork for your trip.

Planning a trip can be hard enough without having to worry about missing something. It is important that you have all the documents you need for your trip, whether it is a driver’s license, passport, visa, or tickets.

16. Visit an amusement park or waterpark that has rides for all ages.

A visit to an amusement park or a waterpark can be a fun and exciting experience for the whole family. There are rides for all ages with something for everyone. Whether you enjoy the thrill of a roller coaster ride or take in the sights of the water, there are numerous options available.
For example, Disney World and Six Flags Great Adventure has rides and attractions for people of all ages.

17. Have a theme for each day of the week. For example, Monday could be "The beach" and Tuesday could be "The mountains."

Planning a theme for each day of your vacation will ensure you get to see all of the attractions. Here are some ideas for your theme.

Sunday: The beach

Monday: The mountains

Tuesday: The ocean

Wednesday: The city

Thursday: The forest

Friday: The desert

Saturday: Relaxing at the hotel or short-term rental

18. Set a budget and stick with it for your vacation.

It's easy to get caught up with the idea of a lavish vacation without having a clear idea of what you're willing to spend. With so many options for your next vacation, it can be difficult to decide what will work best for your budget. You'll have more fun and save more money if you're prepared and plan ahead.

19. Look for destinations and hotels that have low occupancy rates during the month of August.

Vacationers are taking a break from the hustle and bustle of their cities, opting for more serene destinations. August is typically the month that people give up on their summer plans, which may be good for travelers who want to get away from the crowds. Another reason why this month may be a good time to travel is that hotel occupancy rates are typically lower during this time.

20. Look for places that are close to each other so that you can easily visit them during your trip.

With a wide variety of places in and around the city, it can be difficult to decide where to go. One way to make it easier is to look for places that are close to each other. This will allow you to visit more places on your trip without spending too much time or money traveling.

21. Consider traveling with friends or family members so that you can split the cost of the trip to make it more affordable.

When traveling, it's important to consider the cost of the trip and who will be joining you on your trip. If your family or friends are going with you on the vacation, they can split the cost with you. This way, you'll be able to travel together and enjoy all that your destination has to offer!

22. Use social media to research vacation destinations.

Social media is a great way to research vacation destinations. It can be used to find out what people are saying about a place, what their experiences have been like, and how big the community is.

23. Ensure everyone agrees on the destination, activities, and length of the vacation.

When planning a family vacation, it is important to make sure everyone is on the same page and agrees on the destination, activities, and length of time. The best way to ensure everyone agrees on these things is by creating a shared understanding of what the vacation entails in advance.

24. Get back into your routine after your vacation.

It can be difficult to shift your mindset from vacation mode back to work mode after a break. One way you can do this is by focusing on small tasks. This can be accomplished by setting one goal for each day of the week. For instance, Monday evening can be spent cleaning out the fridge, Tuesday might be going food shopping, and Wednesday could be dropping off or picking up clothes from the dryer cleansers, and so on.

25. Take care of yourself and your kids when you return from your vacation to ensure everyone has an easy transition back into their daily routines.

It's important to have a self-care plan in place for when you return from a vacation. It is likely that you will be tired and eager to get back to your routine, but don't forget to take care of yourself and your kids as well. Here are some tips for making the transition back into daily routines easy.

- Take a break from social media for the first week or two.

- Take care of yourself by going to bed on time, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep.

- Get the kids back on the school year sleep schedule.

- Take care of yourself by taking breaks throughout the day.

- Plan out your tasks for the day ahead of time so that you don't feel overwhelmed by everything you need to do in one day.

- Keep track of how much time you spend on each task for time management. 

- Prioritize your sleep.

Overall, August is the perfect time to plan a quick family vacation. With the warm summer months, it’s not too hot and not too cold. This means that you have many options for where to go and what activities to do.