How to Organize Back-to-School & Work Time

Organizing work and school time can be a difficult task when you have kids. But with a little advanced planning, it is possible to get everything done most efficiently. 

How to prepare for back to school with kids

Continue reading to learn how to organize your schedule in a stress-free manner.  

Working parents face several challenges when it comes to balancing work and family life. This can be especially difficult when trying to balance the responsibilities of two careers. However, the key to making this work is having a work-life balance that you can stick with and can be done in a way that minimizes the stress on your family.

Here are easy ways to help you get the job done!

1. Set a daily schedule in advance.

One of the best ways to stay organized is by scheduling your day ahead of time. This will help keep your schedule on track and allow for more time with the family as well as relaxation.

2. Create a to-do list.

Develop a to-do list for each day ahead of time so that there is no confusion about what needs to be accomplished during the day. This will also help you prioritize which tasks need immediate attention and which can wait until later in the week or month.

3. Prioritize tasks based on urgency as a parent.

The best way to prioritize tasks and free up time is to focus on the urgency of each task. This can be accomplished by creating a task list that lays out what needs to be done and when it must be done.

4. Track your progress with checklists.

Checklists are a handy tool to make sure you don't miss anything. Checklists help you accomplish your goals by providing a structured way to monitor progress and achieve better results. They can be used in many different contexts, whether it be personal or professional.

5. Use apps like Evernote for deadlines and reminders.

Evernote is a collection of digital notebooks and other tools, which allow users to create notes, and take down ideas, and information in a convenient way. These note-taking apps have made a very convenient tool for busy parents.

6. Keep your work desk clean and neat to keep your head clear.

If you have a cluttered desk, your head is likely cluttered. If you're struggling to focus, try cleaning up your space to keep yourself organized and clear-headed.

7. Create a bedtime routine that includes reading or singing with your child.

Why you should read to your kids before bedtime

Creating a bedtime routine is important to show your child that you're deeply invested in their well-being as well as create a positive connection between you and your child. It's also a wonderful way to teach them about self-care and help them sleep better.

8. Establish healthy sleep habits by going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning.

If you're looking to establish healthy sleep habits, it's important to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. There are many benefits associated with these healthy sleep practices including greater productivity during the day and improved alertness in your work.

9. Limit screen time before bedtime to improve sleep quality.

To get the best sleep, it is important to avoid screens before bedtime. Studies have shown that exposure to blue light from screens can interfere with the production of melatonin and disrupt circadian rhythms. It is also a good idea to limit your screen time in general because it can lead to addiction, anxiety, depression, and other negative effects on mental health.

10. Get up early enough to spend time with your partner and/or family before school starts.

Time with your partner and time with family are precious commodities. You can only get it if you wake up before the alarm goes off and spend some time with them. The earlier you begin, the more time you have to enjoy your morning. Spending time together also helps set a positive tone for the rest of the day. 

11. Spend more time doing things that you and your family enjoy, like going for walks or playing games.

Spending time with your family is important. It helps you to stay close and connected. Why not play a game of Uno after breakfast or a game of Monopoly on a rainy afternoon? 

12. If you work from home, take breaks throughout the day.

When you take a break, your brain can rest and recharge. Not only will this help you stay focused, but it will also make you more productive in the future. It's important to take a break throughout the day so that your energy isn't depleted all at once.

13.  Spend quality time with your children on weekends by reading books together or taking part in activities like cooking or crafting.

It is important to spend quality time with your child as a way to stay connected and help them grow emotionally and socially. There are many activities that you can do together, such as reading books, cooking, watching TV, or going to the park.

14. Set up a separate email account for work emails so that you can avoid distractions from home life while working on projects or taking care of personal matters.

Keeping work and personal life separate can be difficult at times. However, it doesn’t have to be. It is easy to go online and create a new email account that will allow you to send only work-related emails. This way, you are not tempted to check your phone or social media when it's inappropriate for the job.

15. Keep your work hours consistent.

The importance of a consistent work schedule is that it can help avoid burnout and provide for a healthy work-life balance. It can also help eliminate potential health risks like exhaustion and prevent you from feeling overworked.

16. Set specific times for family time.

As the season changes and day-to-day life becomes busier, it's easy to forget the importance of family time. There are, however, ways to make sure you spend quality time with your loved ones without feeling guilty about it such as scheduling family time. 

17. Make sure you have a plan before the school year begins.

A planner is an essential tool for organizing your school year. It is necessary to create a plan that will keep you focused and on track with your goals. To create a cohesive planning process, it is important to use the school calendar and make notes about what you want to accomplish for each month.

18. Set boundaries with your kids.

Learning to set boundaries and communicate effectively with kids is a skill that everyone should have. It's important to be able to tell your child what you expect from them and what behaviors are not acceptable.

19. Prioritize activities that are most important for your child's success in school.

There are many activities that your child can do during their free time to be successful in school. One activity that is important for your child's success is to focus on what they're learning in school. Find ways to help them take notes and study at home or go over their homework with them.

20. Create a list of chores for each day or week for your kids that will help you keep track of what needs to be done around the house. 

Chores can range from cleaning your kitchen to taking out the trash to raking or mowing the lawn. Checking off each chore as it is completed is a great way for your kids to stay on top of their household duties.

21. Get your child excited about school by talking about what they will learn in class and what you can do together at home.

Parenting is a tough job, but it's so rewarding when your child can learn something new. Learning and playing are activities that can help develop skills for both children and parents. Children learn about creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, how to organize their time, and more through playtime. Talk with your child about what they will be learning in school before the new school year begins.

22. Make a list of everything that your child will need and make sure they have it before they leave for school.

Before your child leaves for school, make sure they have everything they will need for the day. You might be surprised to see how many things they take with them.

23. Help your child with homework as a bonding exercise.

Help your kids with their homework

Homework can be a difficult part of your child's day, but it also provides a chance for parents to bond with their children.

24. Start a journal or diary where you can write down milestones, accomplishments, and good memories throughout the summer.

Your child can read them later when they are feeling nostalgic about the summer.

25. Help your child make a schedule or calendar of events that they need to complete before the first day of school arrives.

This will help them stay organized. It is also a great way to make sure your child is prepared for their first day of school. While it's important to plan ahead and not cram everything in one day, it's also important to make sure you have a backup plan. This schedule should include the first few days of school and everything that needs to be done before then.

How to Adjust to a Normal Work Schedule During Back-to-School as a Working Parent

With back-to-school just around the corner, many parents are adjusting to a more normal work schedule. But the transition can be difficult and stressful for both parent and child. Here are some useful tips for working parents on how to create a smoother transition for their children during this time of change.

1. Setting a regular time for meetings during the workday to ensure you are home with your kids after school and for dinner.

When your jobs encroach on your time at home, it can be difficult to set aside enough time for other things. You need to balance the different needs of your families and yourselves. One way you can do this is by setting a regular time during the workday for meetings.

2. Building in breaks and lunchtime throughout the day.

When it comes to productivity, breaks, and lunchtime are the keys to success. There is a reason why many companies have a rule that employees must take one hour of lunch per day and why so many businesses are now implementing the "work-life balance."

3. Being realistic about how much time you can spend on both works and with the family.

It’s important to set boundaries for yourself so you don't get burnt out or feel like you're neglecting your children by spending too much time on work or vice versa.

4. Use the right tools to stay organized to ensure you meet work deadlines.

To meet deadlines, it is important to have a good toolset that can help you stay organized and on track. There are many tools available for different needs and skill sets, but these three are some of the most popular. These include Trello, Adobe Creative Suite, and Google Docs.

Trello - this is an online project management tool that is used for project management. It allows you to create boards where you can organize your tasks in different categories, such as by project, client, or deadline.

Adobe Creative Suite is a software package that provides tools for creating, editing, and sharing digital content. It includes software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere Pro.

Google docs is a writing tool that can be used for many different purposes. It is a free online service that allows you to create, edit, and collaborate on documents. Google docs have become very popular among students and professionals who need to write the same document at the same time. It also has many other functions such as Google Sheets, presentations, and spreadsheets.

Final thoughts:

Organizing your time is the key to having a balanced work and family routine. Not only will you be able to manage stress more effectively, but your overall well-being will also improve.