The Complete Guide to the Sunday Scaries and How to Overcome Them

The Complete Guide to the Sunday Scaries and How to Overcome Them

If you get anxious on Sundays, read this. You’re not alone. 

Introduction - What are the Sunday Scaries and what causes them?

The Sunday Scaries are the fear of the unknown. You don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and it scares you. This feeling of unpredictability can lead to a sense of anxiousness, panic, feelings of helplessness, and even depression. This is a term that has been coined to describe the feeling of dread and anxiety that many people feel on Sundays as they prepare for the workweek ahead.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the Sunday Scary symptoms as well as coping strategies that you can put in your pocket to make the upcoming week more bearable.

What are Some Symptoms of Sunday Scaries?

As we said in the introduction, Sunday Scaries is a term used to describe anxiety or depression that people experience on Sunday night or Monday morning. This is because they are dreading the upcoming work week, and they may worry about not being able to meet their deadlines and other important commitments. It can also be a sign of burnout, which is an occupational hazard.

There is a wide range of symptoms but the most common are:

- Feeling lethargic

- Having trouble concentrating

- Body aches

-Anxiety Attacks

-Panic Attacks



-Increased Alcohol Consumption

- Muscle tension

- Feeling restless and irritable

- Difficulty concentrating

- Tension headaches

- Insomnia

- Having difficulty sleeping on Sunday night

-Feeling restless or irritable during the day on Sunday

-Fearing that something bad will happen on Monday or Tuesday morning

-Feeling anxious about what you have not accomplished this weekend when you should have been working instead

-Worrying about how you will get everything done in time for Monday morning

If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms on a Sunday, you may have had a case of the Sunday Scaries. In light of this, what are some tips you can use the next time these feelings creep up? 

How to Overcome The Fear Of Sunday Scaries

To help you ease into the following week on Sunday, here are 21 coping skills you can use. 

The Complete Guide to the Sunday Scaries and How to Overcome Them

1. Setting small, achievable goals for your Sunday evening.

Sunday evening is the perfect time to set small, achievable goals for the week ahead. Because it's Sunday evening, you'll have a mental break and be able to think more clearly.

The best part about this technique is that you can do it in just a few minutes. You don't need to spend hours planning your week. Simply take out a sheet of paper and write down three or four tasks that are small enough so they can be completed in one day, but still challenging enough so they will make you feel accomplished when they're done.

This technique is great because it helps you stay motivated throughout the week by setting achievable goals every day.

2. Accept that this feeling is normal and not something that should be feared.

Anxiety is normal and not something that should be feared. It is common for those who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder to have a sense of dread or fear at the idea of being in a situation that may cause them to feel anxious. Some people may experience shaking, sweating, dizziness, and panic attacks when feeling anxious.

3. Know what triggers your feelings.

Emotions are often the result of triggers or events that spark your emotions. The trick is to identify what triggers your feelings and find ways to avoid or eliminate them.

4. Try to shift your focus by concentrating on the positive aspects of your day.

It’s hard to focus on the positive aspects of your day when you are constantly bombarded with negative news. But you need to change your perspective and try to find the good in everything.

The first step is to put a stop to any negative thoughts that might come up and replace them with positive thoughts. When you start focusing on the good, you will automatically see it more often.

The second step is to make a list of everything that went right during your day, even if it seems small or insignificant at first. You can also keep a gratitude journal where you write down five things every day that made you happy.

The third step is to be mindful of what you are doing at the moment and be thankful for it - even if it seems trivial or inconsequential.

5. Make sure you take care of yourself during the weekend with adequate rest.

The weekend is a time for relaxation and self-care. But this can be hard to do when you are constantly connected to work. So here are some ways to disconnect from work during the weekends and take care of yourself.

  • Turn off notifications on your phone, computer, and tablet. If you want to check your email or social media accounts, set specific times for this activity during the day when you know you will have time for it.

  • Create boundaries with your boss about what hours should be considered "off." This way, if they email or call at night or on the weekend, you don't feel obligated to answer it right away because they are not expecting an immediate response.

  • Set up boundaries with clients about what hours should be considered "off."

6. Spend time with family and friends during the weekend.

The weekend is a time for family, friends, and fun. It's a time to take a break from the routine and spend some quality time with loved ones. Many people feel guilty about not spending enough time with their families during the week and that's why they make an effort to spend more time with them on weekends. For those who are single, it's also important to have some alone time on weekends. You can use this time to do things you enjoy or just relax at home.

7. Get a good night's sleep on Sunday so you feel refreshed for Monday morning.

A good night's sleep is the foundation of feeling refreshed for the following day. Many people struggle with getting a good night's rest, but luckily there are many ways to help achieve it. One way is to wind down the day by doing some light stretches or yoga, reading a book, or writing in your journal. Setting an alarm for the same time every day can help you remember to go to bed at the same time every night.

8. Schedule your day in the morning before you start your work day so you know what needs to be done and when.

To get the most out of your day, you need a plan. Make sure you are setting goals and organizing tasks by priority, so you can spend your time more efficiently and make progress on those things that are most important.

9. Go for a walk, spend time with friends or family, or simply take some time out to relax.

There are many ways to spend a little time for yourself. Take a walk, play with your pet, or spend some time with friends and family. You deserve to take a little time for yourself and recharge your batteries, so don't feel guilty about taking some time out of your day.

10. Try to meditate every day to keep a clear head.

Meditation is a powerful tool that can be used to increase awareness, focus your attention, and relieve mental stress. It's important to find a meditation practice that works for you, but with many different styles to choose from, you should be able to find something that works for you.

11. Plan your entire week ahead of time and see what needs to be done.

Planning out your week ahead of time can make it much more manageable. To start, break down all the tasks you have for the week and then prioritize them into three categories: high priority, medium priority, and low priority. High-priority tasks are things like work deadlines, meetings with clients, and other important events that need to be planned ahead of time. Medium priority tasks include things like errands. Low-priority tasks are tasks that can be completed at your leisure.

12. Set SMART goals for yourself for the upcoming week. 

Setting goals is an important part of any project or task. You need to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and how you are going to do it.

A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This means that your goals should be:

Specific: Your goal should be specific enough for you to know what it is and how you would know if you achieved it.

Measurable: You should be able to measure your progress towards achieving the goal.

Achievable: Your goals should not be unattainable or unrealistic - they should be achievable with enough effort on your part.

Relevant: The goal needs to relate to the overall purpose of the project or task.

By doing so, you will have something to look forward to and will feel accomplished when you complete them.

13. Break smaller tasks into smaller, more manageable ones to make the day easier.

Breaking a large task into smaller pieces makes it more manageable and achievable. Creating small, incremental goals and focusing on the tasks at hand will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process.

14. Get into a daily routine - find a time when you can do your work every day and stick with it.

A routine is a series of actions that are repeated regularly. Routines can benefit you because they help you maintain a sense of order and stability in your life. There are many benefits of having a routine. For example, it can make your life more predictable and easier to manage. However, the most important benefit is that it will help you to eliminate procrastination and get things done more efficiently.

15. Find something to look forward to every week.

It’s not always easy to find something to look forward to every week. But, if you find a few things that you enjoy doing, and then schedule them into your calendar, it will help you stay motivated.

For example, if you like cooking and baking on the weekends, then schedule some time on Saturdays and Sundays for that. If you enjoy reading books or watching movies, then make sure to set aside time in your calendar for these activities as well.

Whether it's going out with friends or working on something you enjoy, find something that makes your week more enjoyable.

16. Eat healthily: Eating healthy foods can also help you feel better about yourself and your life in general.

Eating healthy foods won't just help you feel better physically, but mentally as well. When you have a healthier diet, the brain releases endorphins that make you happier. You also find yourself thinking more clearly and being more productive.

17. Ask for support whether at home or work.

Some days, life can be tough. Whether you are at home or work, it is nice to know that you have a support system. Nowadays, there are many ways to get the support you need. You can find online communities where people share their struggles and offer advice. You can also go see a therapist in your area or talk to friends and family who will be happy to listen and help out.

18. Take a break from your work and do something else for 10-15 minutes on Mondays.

If you're feeling tired, drained, or just in need of a break, give yourself 10-15 minutes to do something else. You might decide to go for a walk, make some tea or coffee, or just take a snack break. The point is to take on some task that has nothing to do with your work.

19. Don’t spend all of your time on Sunday panicking over what can happen during the upcoming week.

It’s also important not to spend the entire day worrying about Sunday night because it will make you feel worse. Instead, try spending time doing a puzzle, doing chores, doing some activity that you enjoy, or reading a book you like.

20. Be realistic with yourself about how much you can realistically accomplish in seven days.

One of the keys to success is being realistic about what you can accomplish in a week. If you are like most people, you might think that you could stay up late every night this week and get all of your work done. But before you set yourself up for failure, be realistic about how much work it would take to complete everything on your list in one week.

21. Practice Yoga to keep your mind calm and maintain a positive attitude.

Yoga is a practice that can be done anywhere and at any time. It has been shown to improve the mental health of individuals by helping them maintain a positive attitude, increase their mindfulness, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Final thoughts:

Overall, the Sunday Scaries is a phenomenon that occurs to people on Sunday mornings, when they are left with the daunting prospect of returning to work on Monday. However, such a phenomenon can be overcome by setting specific goals for the upcoming week and following up on them before the next weekend arrives.